
2013, 2014, 2004



2022-05-04 created 2022-05-08 updated

  1. legitimacy n. 合法性,正统性
  2. code n. 法典,法规;代码,密码
  3. framer n. 组成者
  4. envision vt. 想象,展望
  5. resort n. 度假圣地;诉诸,采取
  6. evade vi. 逃脱,逃避;回避 “evaded the real issues”
  7. amiable adj. 和蔼的,亲切的 /’eimi.abl/
  8. lest conj. 〈正式〉以免 “hesitant to speak out lest he be fired”
  9. exert vt. 施加,运用,行使 “the force is exerted sideways” “the force is exerted sideways” “exerted a bad influence on his students”
  10. plead vi. /pled/ 抗辩,辩护,陈述案情,恳求 “plead not guilty”
  11. steer vt. & vi. 掌舵,引导
  12. virtuous adj. 品行端正的,德高望重的 /verchu.es/ - virtue
  13. haze n. 烟雾,迷雾;vt. 使笼罩在雾中
  14. stun n. 震惊;晕眩;vt. 使昏迷,打昏
  15. stunning adj. 令人震惊的,极有魅力的
  16. affirm vt. 断言;申明;
  17. defy vt. 蔑视,违抗;使无法 “defy public opinion” “in trouble for defying a court order” “the paintings defy classification” “defied us to name a better movie”
  18. deception n. 欺骗;骗术 - deceive
  19. impulse n. 脉冲;冲动;动力 - impulsive - impulsion
  20. fleeting adj. 飞逝的,短暂的 “… the often fleeting nature of fame and fortune …” - fleet adj. 快速的,敏捷的 n. fleet 船队,车队 - fleet of foot 走得快的
  21. visionary adj. 有远见的,(复数)visionaries 幻想家,有远见者 - vision
  22. explicate vt. 详细分析,解释 - explicatory/explicable adj. - explication, eplicator n.
  23. bewilder vt. 使迷惑,使糊涂 “bewildered by the city’s maze of roads” “His decision bewildered her” - bewilderment
  24. courtship n. 求爱期
  25. innate adj. 先天的,固有的,天然的
  26. dictate vt. 命令;支配,影响;n. 命令 “Choices is often dictated by availability” - dictator 独裁者
  27. lineage n. 血统 /liniidj/


  1. code of conduct 行动准则
  2. resort to 诉诸于,采取 “have resort to outside help”


2022-04-21 created 2022-05-04 corrected

  1. kinship n. 亲属关系
  2. disruptive adj. 捣乱的,扰乱性的;革新的 “a disruptive weather pattern” - disrupt, disruption
  3. surpass vt. 超过
  4. abdicate vt. 退位,逊位;失职
  5. monachy n. 君主制 /mArn.aki/
  6. transcendent adj. 超凡的,玄奥的
  7. infest vt. 滋生,昆虫群集 /in’fest/ “a slum infested with crime”
  8. strive vi. 努力=endeavor,力争=contend “strive to finish a project”
  9. intrusive adj. 不受欢迎的,打扰的;【地质】侵入岩
  10. aristocratic adj. 贵族的
  11. reckless adj. 不顾后果的;草率的,冒失的,鲁莽的
  12. discern vt. 辨认出,觉察 “discerned a figure approaching through the fog” “discern right from wrong” “unable to discern his motives”
  13. lame adj. 跛的,瘸的
  14. refrain vi. & vt. 克制,抑制
  15. sweeping adj. 影响广泛的
  16. manuscript n. 手稿
  17. editorial n. 社论
  18. impel vt. 驱使,促使
  19. reproduction n. 复制,重现,繁殖
  20. literate adj. 识字的;精通的
  21. diminish vt. 使变少/变小/变弱
  22. dearth n. 缺乏,不足 “a dearth of evidence”
  23. revelation n. 揭露,透露;出人意料的发现
  24. doctrine n. 信条,学说,主义,学说 - doctrinaire
  25. distort
  26. assimilate vt. 吸收,使同化 “Students need to assimilate new concepts.” “… the belief that tolerant hosts would be able to assimilate immigrants of whatever creed or colour.”
  27. discourse n. 论文,论述,谈话,争论
  28. discord n. 不和,纷争,【音】不和谐
  29. mouthpiece n. 吹嘴


  1. strive against …
  2. refrain from …


2022-04-13 created 2022-04-21 updated

  1. conceivably adv. 可以想到的
  2. conceive vt. & vi. 构想,想象,怀孕 conceive of …, “I cannot ~ that he acted alone.” - conception
  3. renewable adj. 可更新的,可再生的
  4. conversely adv. 相反地,反之[用于引出相反的陈述]- converse v. 对话 n. 逆否命题 adj. 顺序相反的,逆否的
  5. precede vt. & vi. 先于……
  6. sobersided adj. 稳重的 - sober
  7. formidable adj. 可怕的,令人敬畏的,难以对付的 a ~ opponent
  8. unpretentious adj. 不矫饰的
  9. troupe n. 班子(演员、歌手)
  10. vibrant adj. 震动的,有声有色的,生气勃勃的,鲜艳的
  11. revitalize
  12. repertoire n. (总称某人的)可表演项目
  13. hitherto adv. :up to this or that time “reveals some ~ unknown facts about her life”
  14. cloak vt. 掩盖
  15. scrutinize vt. & vi. 仔细审查 “I closely ~d my opponent’s every move.” - scrutiny
  16. prevalent adj. 流行的,盛行的 =widespread, dominant
  17. abound v. 富于 abound in/with … - abundance
  18. turbulent adj. 动荡的 - turbulence 紊流
  19. deputy n. 副手,代理,(某些国家的)议员
  20. spur vt. 刺激 n. 马刺
  21. disgrace vt. 使……蒙羞 n. 耻辱 “He felt he had ~d himself by failing at school.” “His table manners are a ~.”
  22. board n. 董事会
  23. infancy n. 婴儿期
  24. hostage n. 人质
  25. stakeholder n. 参与者,利益相关人
  26. leverage n. 杠杆 vt. 发挥杠杆作用,利用
  27. provocative adj. 煽动性的
  28. provoke vt. 煽动,挑衅
  29. rear v. 抚养 =raise n. 后方
  30. gratification n. 满足,满意,奖励
  31. procreation n. 生殖
  32. glamorous adj. 迷人的
  33. discipline n. 纪律,训练
  34. canon n. 规则,标准,准则;(名家)真迹;经典作品;卡农 - canonical adj. 权威的,标准的
  35. post n. 邮政;岗位,哨所;柱、杆 v. 发布;邮寄;安置(士兵),委派
  36. holistic adj. 【医】功能整体性的
  37. inquire v. 询问;调查 “inquired about the horses” BrE=enquire - inquiry
  38. embark vi. 登船,登机;开始,着手


  1. make the jump 跳槽
  2. provoke sb. to do sth.
  3. inquire into … = search into … = investigate …
  4. embark on … 着手


2022-04-12 created

  1. adorn v. 美化,装饰 adorn … with …
  2. bribery n. 行贿
  3. charter n. 章程
  4. diffuse v. 弥散,扩散,漫射;adj. 不清楚的
  5. disregard vt. 不理会,不顾
  6. ditch n. 沟,渠;v. [informal]抛弃
  7. endorse vt. (公开)赞同,支持;宣传;[在支票背面]背书
  8. incentive n. 刺激,鼓励 “There is no ~ for people to save fuel.”
  9. incite vt. 鼓动,煽动,教唆 ~ sb to do sth
  10. intangible adj. 难以形容的,不易度量的,无形的[资产]“Leadership is an ~ asset to a company.” - tangible
  11. lenient adj. 温和的,不严厉的
  12. mortal adj. 终有一死的;n. 凡人
  13. nostalgia n. 怀旧,恋旧,恋家 /no’stAdj.a/ “A wave of ~ swept over me when I saw my childhood home.”
  14. obsess vt & vi. 使着迷 /.eb’ses/ “He was ~ed with the idea.” “He’s always ~ing over money.”
  15. physique n. 体型 /fi’zeek/
  16. premise n. 前提,假定 premised on … 基于…,根据…
  17. priest n. 教士,祭司 /preest/ - pritetess 女祭司
  18. prosecute vt. 起诉,控告,检举
  19. rip n. 撕扯;欺骗;偷窃; “Fire ~ped through the house.”
  20. ritual n. 仪式,习惯,例行公事;adj. 例行的 /richyUl/ “Her visit became a ~.”
  21. rustle v. 沙沙作响
  22. sermon n. 布道
  23. veto n. 否决权;vt. 否决 have the right of veto
  24. whence adv. 从哪里,从何处 =from where
  25. whereas conj. 尽管,然而;鉴于 /,we.e’Az/ =although, while on the contrary
  26. whereby conj. 凭此,由于 “They introduce a new system ~ all employees must undergo regular training.”


  1. bank on 指望 =rely on
  2. clear up 放晴
  3. rip sb. off
  4. let rip at sb. 对某人忘乎所以地说/做
  5. let rip 无拘无束地行动 所有关于let的词组